
Video: Julio Bashmore "Husk"

Basé à Bristol,
DJ / producteur Julio Bashmore vient de dévoiler le clip de "Husk," une coupe levée de son troisième 12 "sorti via son propore label Broadwalk. Depuis qu'il a émergé sur la scène en 2009 avec son premier album pour Dirtybird, il semble que Bashmore soit devenu l'un des producteurs en vogue, et "Husk" ne fait pas exception à sa constant talent, la house music bass-heavy. Réalisé par Jake Applebee et Spike Morris, la vidéo est un clip ludique.

Bristol-based DJ/producer
Julio Bashmore has just unveiled the video for "Husk," a cut lifted from his third 12" released via his own Broadwalk label. Since he emerged onto the scene in 2009 with his debut record for Dirtybird, it seems that Bashmore has become one of those producers with the Midas touch, and "Husk" is no exception to his consistently smooth, bass-heavy house music. Directed by Jake Applebee and Spike Morris, the video is a playful complement to the seriously deep grooves, as it features a macho weightlifter, exploding confetti-filled balloons which accent the tune's drops, and an owl that seems to appear in sync with Bashmore's high-pitched, cinematic strings

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